Wirral Independent visitors

What we do

Match children and young people who looked after under the age of 18, to an independent visitor.
An Independent Visitor (IV) is a volunteer who visits and befriends a child or young person living in care.
The unique role of an IV enables children and young people to have at least one consistent, trusting relationship that is built over time. The IV will endeavour to become and remain a stable adult in the child’s life who doesn’t change when placements or social workers change and will at all times stay child focused.

Independent Visitors take an interest into the lives, hopes and concerns of a child or young person, and are there to listen and most of all have fun. Children and young people tell us that an independent visitor can make a huge difference to their lives; it improves confidence, they feel valued, and they get to create happy memories with their IV.
If you are interested in getting an IV you can speak to one of the following people:
• Social Worker
• Foster Carer
• Personal Adviser
• Key work

We can help with

    Independent visitors

  • An Independent Visitor is a volunteer who befriends, advises and assists a child or young person who is being looked-after by their local authority. They become be a consistent presence over a long period and can become a valuable source of support. We recruit and train the volunteers before matching them with a child or young person in their local area who shares similar interests. We then provide ongoing support to help the relationship grow.
  • Search for Independent visitors services
  • Advocacy and participation (children in care)

  • We provide one-to-one support for children and young people looked-after by their local authority. We also help other young people in need of support, such as those on a child protection plan. Our mental health advocacy services work with children and young people receiving or wanting mental health support. Children and young people have a right to be heard and involved in decisions about them, so we support them by explaining their wishes and arguing their case. We also provide activities and training for families and professionals.
  • Find out more about Advocacy and participation (children in care)
  • Search for Advocacy and participation (children in care) services
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