Mother and daughter sitting on a sofa having a relaxed conversation

Supporting you so you can support them

Helping parents and carers like you support your 10-12-year-olds

It’s not easy imagining what it’s like to be a 10, 11 or 12-year-old, especially when the world has changed so much since you were that age.  

There are lots of challenges and changes going on that aren’t always easy to cope with. 

You might be wondering, what’s the best way to start a conversation with my 10-12-year-old to find out how they are feeling? How do I encourage them to open up? Is there ever a good time? What are the best things to ask?  

These are all really good questions, and we’re here to help you find some answers.  

We feel the best conversations often come out of casual chats and what better way to keep it natural and relaxed than to watch something together. 

Our series of short animations talk about some of the challenges 10 to 12-year-olds are facing and the best ways you can help your child deal with them – they’re great to watch together and can help start a conversation. 

Animations to start conversations 

Dealing with negative thoughts

Negative thoughts can pop up anytime, but you don't have to dwell on them. With practice, positive thinking can become your superpower, and we’ll show you how.

This animation encourages parents and children to discuss negative thoughts and find solutions together. Co-created with young people, it aims to empower children to face life’s challenges with confidence.

Being my own best friend

We all need a friend who encourages us and makes us feel positive…that includes parents and children! Yet our own negative thoughts can make us feel like we’re not good enough, no matter how old we are.

This short and fun animation will help you to start a conversation with your child. Showing them how they can be kind to themselves, celebrate their small wins and feel proud of who they are.

They’ll soon discover their ‘best friend forever’ is themselves.

Supporting your friends

Whether we’re a grown-up or a child, when a friend is feeling lost or down, the best thing we can do is listen. 

This animation helps parents and children discuss together the value of giving someone their full attention. Watch together and start a conversation about what it means to be a supportive friend.

Working in partnership 

Over a third of young people are not positive about their future.* We are working with Co-op to raise £5m to support positive futures for 750,000 young people through online advice and information, as well as delivering in-depth support in the communities that need it most. Visit Co-op's website to find out more. 

*Barnardo’s and Co-op (2023), ‘Youth Opportunities Tracker: Fairer Futures’.

Support for parents and carers

Caring for a child or young person can be hard. We’re here to help you make sure they can thrive.

Our family space

Advice for wherever you are on your parenting or caring journey, from pregnancy, babies and toddlers to teens.

Our partnership with Co-op

We are working with Co-op to raise £5m to support positive futures for 750,000 young people across the UK to access basic needs, manage their mental wellbeing, and connect with opportunities for their future. 

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