Our Employment Training and Skills (ETS) courses provide young people with skills and qualifications they can build on and develop throughout their working life.
In partnership with employers, schools, colleges and charities, we train and support over 3,000 young people every year through 20 specialist services. We provide courses, support and careers advice, whether you're interested in construction qualifications or a hairdressing apprenticeship.
If you're a young person looking to enter employment, we work with you on an individual basis to find the best training and employment opportunities in your area.
And then, once you are in training or work, we give you ongoing support to make sure it's all working out for you. From help with application forms to interview techniques, Barnardo's is there to offer support every step of the way.
As well as providing specific qualifications, employability skills, and career advice and guidance, we also offer apprenticeships programmes.
What we do
Apprenticeship programmes
Read their stories
We've delivered employment, training and skills support for over 35 years to young people aged 14 to 29 years. Read more about the opportunities and experiences we've helped facilitate here.
Interested in partnering with us?

How a Barnardo’s training service is making a difference in Newcastle
Read how one of our services is making a real difference in their wider community.

Support for young people
Learn how we can help young people get the support they need to grow and develop.

Employment and training for young people leaving care
Read more about how we can help you gain the skills you need to enter the world of work.