
Lotteries and raffles: how to make a complaint

We take all complaints seriously and deal with them as soon as we possibly can.Your views are important to us and we endeavour to resolve your complaint or dispute in a transparent, open, constructive, and timely manner.Any complaint or dispute related to lotteries operated by Barnardo’s will be viewed in a positive manner and used as a means by which the lottery-based products and processes may be improved and developed.If you have a complaint about fundraising that isn’t related to our lotteries or raffle, please refer to Barnardo’s fundraising complaints procedure.

Contact the Supporter Care team

If you want to make a complaint about one of our lotteries or the raffle, please contact our Supporter Care team first.

You can do this by:

Our response times to your complaint

We will try to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

We will:

  • acknowledge emails within 2 business days
  • reply to letters within seven working days

Whichever way you contact us, you will receive a full response within seven working days, unless the complaint is complex.

We will acknowledge complex complaints within seven days and aim to provide a full response within 14 working days.

If the team can't resolve your complaint

If your complaint cannot be resolved by the Supporter Care team, it will be escalated as a ‘dispute’ and investigated by a member of our senior management team. You will receive confirmation that your complaint has been escalated and advised of who will be responsible for the investigation.  ​​​​​​

We aim to provide a response within 14 working days but if the dispute is complex, the investigation may take some weeks. If this happens, we will keep you updated on its progress.

At the end of the investigation, we will write to tell you the outcome and any actions that have been taken as a result.

Taking your dispute outside Barnardo’s

If you feel our resolution of your complaint is inadequate, you can refer the dispute for alternative dispute resolution (ADR). This is a free service.


The Independent Betting Adjudication Service Ltd (IBAS)

PO Box 62639

London, EC3P 3AS

You can call IBAS on 020 7347 5883.

Contact us

Email if you'd like to know more.

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