Barnardo's Winners Club is our workplace lottery where all entrants and winners come from the same organisation / company.

If you are unsure if your employer operates a Winners Club scheme, email [email protected] for confirmation.

How it works

Each entry costs £1. Entry money is deducted automatically from your salary every time you are paid. The amount deducted for each entry is dependent upon the frequency of your pay (£1 if paid weekly; £4 if paid 4 weekly and £4.34 if paid calendar monthly).

When the draw is run, 20% of all entry money is paid out in prize money to the winners with the rest going to support Barnardo's vital work across the UK.

You can use the form below to enter (or increase your number of entries) in your workplace lottery.

Clicking 'Quick exit' allows you to leave the site immediately. It will take you to the BBC weather page.