Mental Health and Covid-19: In Our Own Words

Type Policy report

Maisie Davies, Louise Chandler, Rebecca Woolford, Jessica Adams, Dominique Farauanu, Tia Carmichael, Owen Bezer, Kiera Carter, Alex Smith, Giovanna Martins, Peter Clarke
Published on
1 July 2020

This qualitative research seeks to demonstrate how Covid-19 and the necessary measures to contain it have impacted on children and young people's mental health and wellbeing. 

Together with youth colleagues, we identified three priorities for UK decision makers in improving children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing:

  • Recognise the disproportionate impact the pandemic and lockdown has had on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised in society.
  • Learn from what children and young people tell us has supported their mental health and wellbeing, such as maintaining good quality relationships and contact with friends, family, and trusted adults; feeling secure and being well informed; having access to support in their community, including mental health services, engaging in self-care, as well as meaningful education, employment and training.
  • Support children and young people with their mental health and wellbeing at the earliest possible stage, before their needs escalate.

Keywords: Covid-19; Mental health

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