Barnardo's response to the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s annual report

Published on
12 December 2024

The Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel’s fifth annual report share evidence and learning from National and Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews. It shares key data about the children and their families who are the focus of reviews, and spotlights three themes:
1. Safeguarding children with mental health needs
2. Safeguarding pre-school children with parents with mental health needs
3. Extrafamilial harm

In response to the report launch Lynn Perry, chief executive of Barnardo’s, said: “Children should be protected from harm at all times - whether they’re at home, at school or in the community. Sadly, this report shows that, too often, the systems responsible for keeping children safe are just not working as they should, and opportunities to prevent children being harmed are, therefore, being missed. 

“The government is due to publish a new Children’s Wellbeing Bill, which provides a much-needed opportunity for a step-change in how we protect children. To make a real difference, the Bill must make clear that schools have a central role in safeguarding and make it easier to share data and information when professionals are worried about a child – so those at risk of harm don’t miss out on support or slip through the cracks.  

“Beyond this, all families need access to a centre or hub in their local community where they can seek trusted information, advice and support. At a time when things are so hard for so many children, young people and parents – with poverty rising and mental health needs at an all time high – we must invest in services that help families when and where they need it – long before they reach crisis point.  

“There are so many organisations involved in a child’s life, and it’s only by improving how they work together, and providing the right level of funding, that we can succeed in keeping children safe, happy, healthy and hopeful.”

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