Have your say on the the future of mental health care.

Published on
18 May 2023

The Government has this week announced a call for evidence to help inform the Major Conditions Strategy which will look at how to treat conditions, including mental health. Whilst this is a welcome opportunity for people with experience of poor mental health to have their say on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, we are concerned that this may not move fast or go far enough to improve children’s mental health.  

Lynn Perry MBE, CEO of Barnardo’s, said

“Children and young people are currently in the grips of a mental health crisis. According to the NHS, one in six children aged 6-16 have a potential mental health condition, rising to one in four for young people aged 17-19. Yet, waiting times for specialist support service are spiralling, children are being turned away without treatment and their condition often gets worse before they get help.  

“We urge the Government to put prevention and early intervention for children and young people’s mental health at the heart of the Major Conditions Strategy. We know that support in schools can help identify children who are struggling and help them before they reach crisis point. Expanding Mental Health Support Teams to all schools and colleges will allow more children and young people to access this vital early help and also save money in the long run."

If you have been affected by poor mental health, have your say here.

Find out how Barnardo's can help and support you here.

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