Barnardo's Scotland reaction to First Minister announcement

Published on
28 March 2023

Responding to the election Humza Yousaf as leader of the SNP and Scotland’s new First Minister, Martin Crewe, Director of Barnardo’s Scotland, said: 

“I congratulate Humza Yousaf on his election as SNP leader and as Scotland’s new First Minister. 

“Throughout the contest for SNP leader, Barnardo’s Scotland has urged all of the candidates to commit to prioritising the needs of children and families – including making tackling child poverty the central priority of the Scottish Government. I warmly welcome the comments Humza Yousaf has made to this effect in his remarks following his nomination as First Minister this afternoon.

“We also want to see the new First Minister redouble the efforts of the Scottish Government to keep The Promise and reform Scotland’s care system, primarily through proper investment in early intervention and family support services

“Other vital work such as ensuring the UNCRC Incorporation Bill comes back to Parliament and that the Children’s Care and Justice Bill currently going through Parliament leads to meaningful change should be high on the priority list for the incoming First Minister. 

“As one of the leading children's charities in Scotland, we look forward to working with Scotland’s new First Minister to continue to advance the needs of children and families.”

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