Talking heads Sonny and Sam have been travelling around Cumbria with children’s charity Barnardo’s to raise awareness of child exploitation and the language used to describe it.
The Barnardo’s RACE (Raising Awareness of Child Exploitation) Service offers 1:1 sessions, awareness raising in schools and works alongside parents and carers to keep children safe. The service helps young people to know what exploitation is, how it takes place, how to spot the signs and where to go for help.
Young people can write on Sonny and Sam, thinking of language they have heard and how this makes them feel. Sam represents the raw truth of negative and victim blaming language. This language may reinforce messages from perpetrators around shame and guilt and may prevent a child or young person from talking about their abuse. It can lead to them having a distorted understanding about what has happened to them – making them feel as though it was their fault.
Sonny represents change and being mindful about the language used when supporting children and young people who may have experienced child exploitation. Language can, and does, have an impact on how young people feel and perceive their own lived experiences.
Fay Preene, Senior Practitioner from Barnardo’s RACE service said:
“The language we use can have a harmful effect on a young person’s emotions, the way they feel about themselves, and how they digest what has happened to them. Equally, our language can not only support but also help and empower young people to understand they are not to blame.
“We feel privileged to support children and young people on their journey and hope Sonny and Sam will help people to think more about what they say and how they say it.”
Sonny and Sam have been visiting various schools, libraries, and other public areas, so if you see them, you can help to raise awareness by tagging the service Instagram account @barnardosrace and using the hashtag #CESonnyandSam
If somewhere in Cumbria wishes to have the heads visit them, please contact: [email protected]