Two child limit on benefit payments - new statistics - Barnardo's response

Published on
11 July 2024

Statistics published today reveal that the number of children affected by the two-child limit on benefit payments has increased by 100,000 to 1.6m.

In response, Lynn Perry, Barnardo’s chief executive, said:

“The two-child limit on benefits – effectively a ‘sibling penalty’ - is now affecting 1.6 million children across the UK. Most families receiving Universal Credit are in work and many are struggling for reasons beyond their control – such as a family break-up, the death of a partner or losing a job.

“Yet this policy denies families the support they need to afford the basics so they have enough to eat and can afford to heat their homes properly. Children are ultimately paying the price, growing up in poverty and dealing with the consequences of this for the rest of their lives.

“We understand the Government is having to make tough financial decisions, and we welcome the Prime Minister’s commitment to reduce child poverty but families need action urgently, starting with a change to this unfair policy.” 

Universal Credit and Child Tax Credit claimants: statistics related to the policy to provide support for a maximum of two children, April 2024