Barnardo's Scotland consultations, briefings and research reports

Read our latest consultation responses, briefings and research, where we draw on the experiences of our services and the children and families we support to make recommendations for policy and practice.


Barnardo's Scotland - Stage 3 Briefing for Children Care and Justice Bill - 24 April 2024

Barnardo's Scotland Consultation Response - Care Leavers Payment - January 2024


Barnardo's Scotland Consultation Response - A Human Rights Bill for Scotland- October 2023

Barnardo's Scotland - Call for Views - Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform Bill - September 2023 

Barnardo's Scotland Welcome (Ukraine) Service Impact Report 2023

Barnardo's Scotland Briefing for Programme for Government 2023/24

Barnardo's Scotland Briefing for Children's Care and Justice Scotland Bill - Stage 1 Debate - 22 June 2023 

Response to Scottish Government consultation on Minimum Number of Learning Hours - 13 June 2023

Barnardo's Scotland Briefing for Scottish Government Debate: Marking One Year of War in Ukraine - 23 February 2023


Response to the Independent Strategic Review of Funding and Commissioning of Violence Against Women and Girls Services - 1 August 2022

Response to consultation on policy proposals for Children's Care and Justice Bill - June 2022

Briefing for Health, Social Care and Sport committee debate: Health and Wellbeing of Children and Young People - 15 June 2022

Briefing for Bill Kidd MSP Member's Debate: Making Scotland Hostile to Trafficking and a safe place for Ukrainian Refugees - 8 June 2022 

Written Evidence on Inquiry into Scottish Attainment Challenge - Scottish Parliament Education, Children and Young People Committee - February 2022

Response to Scottish Government consultation on Bail and Release from Custody Arrangements - 7 February 2022

Briefing for Member's Debate: Championing the Right to Holistic Family Support - 13 January 2022

Response to Scottish Government/COSLA Suicide Prevention Strategy Development Questionnaire 


Barnardo's Scotland - Response to Health and Sport Committee inquiry into health and wellbeing of children and young people - December 2021

Barnardo's Scotland - A 'new normal': a snapshot report on the needs of children and young people since full-time return to education in August 2021

Barnardo's Scotland - Response to Education reform consultation on behalf of Professor Ken Muir - November 2021

Barnardo's Scotland - Response to Health and Sport Committee inquiry into Perinatal Mental Health - November 2021 

Barnardo's Scotland - Get into Summer 2021 

Barnardo's Scotland - Response to Scottish Government Consultation on the creation of a National Care Service - November 2021

Barnardo's Scotland - Briefing for Scottish Government Debate 'A Land of Opportunity' - 16 September 2021


Barnardo's Scotland and SCRA - Sexual exploitation of children involved in the Children’s Hearings System ​​​​​​​- 2020 (PDF)

Barnardo's Scotland Policy Report Sexual exploitation of children involved in the Children’s Hearings System 2020 (PDF)

Barnardo's Scotland and NSPCC Scotland - Challenges from the Frontline - Revisited (PDF)

Barnardo's Scotland - Education and Skills committee inquiry - Vulnerable children and Covid-19 - 2020 (PDF).pdf

Barnardo's Scotland - Briefing for Scottish Government debate on Emergency Covid-19 Legislation - 2020 (PDF)

Care In Mind Paper 2 - Health Assessments for Looked After Children

Supervision in Education - Healthier Schools For All (PDF)

Supervision in Education - Healthier Schools For All - Executive Summary (PDF)

Barnardo's Scotland - Briefing for Health and Sport Committee debate on Social Prescribing - 2020 (PDF)


Briefing for Liberal Democrat debate on Mental Health - 2019 (PDF)

Care in Mind - Paper 1 - Rejected Referrals - 2019 (PDF)

Children (Equal Protection From Assault) Bill Submission from Barnardos Scotland Children 1st and NSPCC Scotland - 2019 (PDF)

Public Understanding of Child Sexual Exploitation - 2019 (PDF)

Closing the poverty related attainment gap - early learning from our partnership with schools and communities across Scotland - 2019 (PDF)

Response to Scottish Government consultation on Clinical Pathway for Children and Young People who have disclosed sexual abuse - 2019 (PDF)

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of education staff through professional  supervision structures – 2019 (PDF)

Health and Sport Committee Inquiry into the Social Prescribing of Physical Activity and Sport - 2019 (PDF)

Incorporating the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots Law Scottish Government consultation - 2019 (PDF)

Year of Young People 2018 Briefing Debate - 2019 (PDF)

Year of Young People 2018 Report - 2019 (PDF)


Joint briefing for Stage 3 of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Bill (from Barnardo's Scotland and NSPCC Scotland) - 2018 (PDF)

Evidence to the First Minister's National Advisory Council on Women and Girls on Gender Equality - Attitudes and Cultural Change (PDF) February - 2018 (PDF)

Briefing for Members Debate on Adverse Childhood Experiences - 2018 (PDF)

Submission to Education and Skills Committee – Inquiry into the attainment and achievement of school aged children experiencing poverty - 2018 (PDF)

Response to Scottish Government consultation on the new Suicide Prevention Action Plan - 2018 (PDF)

Response to Empowering Schools - A consultation on the provisions of the Education (Scotland) Bill - 2018 (PDF)

Evidence to the Equalities and Human Rights Committee on the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill - 2018 (PDF)

Evidence on the use of remand for the Scottish Parliament's Justice Committee Inquiry - 2018 (PDF)

Evidence on mental health to the Health and Sport Committee enquiry into Year of Young People - 2018 (PDF)

Consultation response to A Connected Scotland - Tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger social connections - 2018 (PDF)

Children's Rights Action Plan 2018-21 response - 2018 (PDF)

Briefing for Members Debate on Scottish Apprenticeship Week - 2018 (PDF)

Briefing for Members Debate on Encouraging Cyber-Resilience among young people - 2018 (PDF)

Briefing for Liberal Democrat debate on mental health - 2018 (PDF)

Barnardo's Scotland and NSPCC submission to Scottish Government Review into Personal and Social Education (PSE) - 2018 (PDF)

Response to consultation on housing costs for short-term supported accommodation - 2018 (PDF)