Barnardo’s Cymru research and briefings

Take an in-depth look at the issues facing children and young people in Wales.


Barnardo’s Cymru and Bevan Foundation policy report on ending poverty in early years


Barnardo’s Cymru briefing on the deepening impact of poverty and the cost-of-living crisis - ENGLISH

Barnardo’s Cymru briefing on the deepening impact of poverty and the cost-of-living crisis - CYMRAEG


Barnardo's Cymru briefing for Senedd debate on peer-on-peer sexual harassment in Welsh schools

Barnardo's Cymru edge of care briefing - CYMRAEG

Barnardo's Cymru edge of care briefing - ENGLISH

Barnardo's Cymru briefing for Senedd debate on Child & Adolescent Mental Health

Barnardo's Cymru briefing for Senedd debate on the cost of living crisis and homelessness

Barnardo's Cymru briefing for Senedd debate on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Barnardo's Cymru briefing for Senedd debate on the cost of living crisis and the impact on children and schools


Barnardo's Cymru briefing for Senedd debate on household debt

Barnardo's Cymru briefing for Senedd debate on mental health


Lessons from Lockdown: Supporting vulnerable children and young people returning to school and to learning - English (PDF)


‘I Never Spoke About It’ - Supporting sexually exploited boys and young men in Wales July - 2016 (PDF)

Young people going missing & at risk of, or abused through, child sexual exploitation in North Wales - 2016 (PDF)


The evaluation of the Community Support for Offenders' Families Service - Summary - 2015 (PDF)


Briefing Paper - Barnardo's Cymru Research Findings from the 2013 Anti-Bullying Poll - 2014 (PDF)

Evaluation of Blaenau Gwent Community Connections Project: Year 1 Progress Report - 2014 (PDF)


Family support for children and families affected by imprisonment: A handbook for Families First services in Wales - 2012 (PDF)


Delivery of Advocacy Services for Children and Young People 0-25 in Wales - 2011 (PDF)

Experiences of Illegal School Exclusions in Wales: A Qualitative Study - 2011 (PDF)

The complexity of girls' social interactions and the impact of negative peer relationships - 2011 (PDF)


Beyond the Rhetoric of Youth Homelessness: Telling it as it is - Summary Findings - 2010 (PDF)

Beyond the Rhetoric of Youth Homelessness: Telling it as it is - Full Report - 2010 (PDF)


Child Sexual Exploitation in Wales - 3 years on - 2008 (PDF)

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