Our reaction to the King’s Speech 2024

Type Policy and research document

Published on
18 July 2024

Based on our latest research, this briefing sets out the changes we believe are needed so that children can be safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful.

Welcome measures in the King’s Speech

  • Barnardo’s welcomes the Children’s Wellbeing Bill which sets out an ambition to change the children’s social care system so that children can thrive in safe and loving homes as well as the introduction of a ‘Children Not in School Register’ to support children back into education.
  • We also welcome plans to strengthen the law to address violence against women and girls – and an increased focus on child criminal exploitation through the Crime and Policing Bill. We hope this goes even further – introducing a new criminal offence would send a strong signal that children always need protection.
  • In tackling child poverty, we are pleased to see the introduction of breakfast clubs and new legislation to limit the number of branded school uniforms to ease cost-of-living pressures on families.
  • We know that children are getting shorter, face worse health outcomes and are experiencing poor mental health which is why we welcome measures to restrict advertising of junk food to children; ban smoking through the Tobacco and Vapes Bill and reduce mental health waiting times.

What is missing

  • The new Ministerial taskforce on child poverty with a unit in the Cabinet Office is a welcome first step in tackling the child poverty emergency. Alongside this cross-government commitment, we strongly urge the Government to take bold action in the autumn spending review to lift children out of poverty and invest in the future health and wellbeing of the next generation. A comprehensive and fully funded strategy to address child poverty will be essential to the Government’s mission to deliver ‘Opportunity for all’.
  • There was no mention of family centres – despite their importance and the legacy of the last Labour Government with Sure Start. It is vital that children and families access support earlier, before they reach crisis point, not only reducing the financial cost to the state, but would allow more children and families to improve their long-term life chances.
  • Investment in children’s basic needs and protecting their health and wellbeing is an investment in the country’s future.