See Hear Respond England: Final Evaluation Report

Type Research report

Cordis Bright
Published on
1 March 2021

This evaluation of See, Hear, Respond, a consortium of charities and partners supporting children and families adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, takes a mixed methods approach, involving consultation with programme stakeholders, children and families, analysis of performance data, and a survey of 161 children and young people supported by the programme.

The findings show, in the short-term, children and young people experienced improved outcomes, including reduced isolation and loneliness, and were successfully supported to reintegrate into education. Similarly, parents/carers reported improved mental health and wellbeing, felt more connected to services, and well supported to help their children settle at school.   

Keywords: COVID-19  

For more reports on the See, Hear, Respond England programme see the research linked below:

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