We have been developing tools and resources in Wales to help identify and engage young people at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Child Sexual Abuse (CSA).
Our work
Better Futures Cymru is a service that provides assessment and longer term therapeutic intervention services for children and young people with sexualised histories across Wales.
We know that building trust and establishing a positive relationship is crucial to any successful intervention. Research has shown that young people who are abused, exploited, or who engage in risky sexual behaviours often feel guilt and shame. They may feel defined by this behaviour - which affects their level of openness and willingness to engage.

We want to develop a trusting and non-judgemental relationship with the young person. From the start, we focus on problem free discussions and activities in order to establish a meaningful connection in which both participants feel valued and have worth in the relationship.
A high percentage of the children we work with have experienced significant trauma. That might be sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse, domestic abuse or neglect. Our work takes these factors into consideration, and includes therapeutic approaches and techniques to address the issues that may occur as a result of these experiences.
In supporting young people to process their past trauma, we are able to allow them to develop healthy romantic and sexual relationships in their future.
Girls' Talk
Girls’ Talk is a resource for professionals working with girls and young women who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour. It helps to reduce risk and allow them to move toward healthy adult relationships.
The workbook was developed as part of Barnardo’s Girl’s Research Project, a three-year research project funded by The Big Lottery.
There are five main themes within the workbook:
- Setting the Scene
- My life Experiences
- Positive Self
- Healthy Relationships
- Self-regulation & Positive Strategies
All areas are supported by clear research explanations for their inclusion in the workbook and are accompanied by a series of worksheets available to download.
Hard copies and USB flash drives with worksheets and Amy’s Story animated clip included, are available to purchase direct from the service for £50. Please email [email protected] to order a copy.
Boys 2
Boys 2 was a two year research project jointly funded by the Home Office and Barnardo’s. The project was managed by Barnardo’s Better Futures Cymru and Barnardo’s Base Project in the South West of England.
The findings from the project led to the development of the Boys 2 workbook resource, which was co-produced with the boys and young men who participated in the research. All areas of the workbook are supported by clear research explanations for their inclusion and are designed to support professionals to engage with boys and young men to reduce risk of child sexual exploitation and support healthy identity.
Key Findings
Full Report
Education resources
The following Train the Trainer Primary, Secondary and ALN Education Setting resources have been developed by Better Futures to support Education Professionals around Peer Abuse and Exploitation, and to assist schools to identify and support young people further in this area of harm.
For each education setting, we have included bilingual lesson plans, workbooks/worksheets and corresponding forms.
We have also included our original, upbeat and informative ‘Our Amazing Body’ song, with British Sign Language video and bilingual lyrics so that you can sign/sing along! We hope you enjoy watching it, as much as we did creating it.
If you would like to discuss our Train the Trainer Training in more detail, please contact Better Futures on 01656 749235 or email [email protected].
Primary education
I Am Me - Lesson Plan (English)
Fy Yw - Lesson Plan (Welsh)
I Am Me - Primary workbook (English)
Dyma Fi - Primary workbook (Welsh)
Teacher Personal Reflection form (English)
Gwerthusiad Personol Antho (Welsh)
Our Training Leaflet provides a brief overview of the Education Training options we offer. Our Education Training has been developed to support Education Professionals around Peer Abuse and Exploitation, and also to assist schools to identify and support young people further, in this area of harm.
If you would like to discuss our Train the Trainer Training in more detail, please contact Better Futures on 01656 749235, or email [email protected].
Education Training Leaflet (English)
Education Training Leaflet (Welsh)
Secondary education
Sexual Bullying and Harassment - Lesson Plan (English)
Bwlio Rhywiol - Lesson Plan (Welsh)
Thoughts, Feelings and Worries - Young Person Form (English)
Meddyliau, Teimladau a Gofidiau - Young Person Form (Welsh)
Teacher Personal Reflection form (English)
Gwerthusiad Personol Antho (Welsh)
Our Training Leaflet provides a brief overview of the Education Training options we offer. Our Education Training has been developed to support Education Professionals around Peer Abuse and Exploitation, and also to assist schools to identify and support young people further, in this area of harm.
If you would like to discuss our Train the Trainer Training in more detail, please contact Better Futures on 01656 749235, or email [email protected].
Education Training Leaflet (English)
Education Training Leaflet (Welsh)
Physical Care Needs
My Amazing Body - Lesson Plan (English)
Fy Nghorff Anhygoel - Lesson Plan (Welsh)
This Is Me - Worksheet (English)
Dyma FI - Worksheet (Welsh)
Our Amazing Body - Lyrics (English)
Ein Corff Anhygoel - Lyrics (Welsh)
Supporting your Child to go through Puberty (English)
Cefnogi eich Plentyn drwy r Glasoed Pethau i w Hystyried (Welsh)
Our Training Leaflet provides a brief overview of the Education Training options we offer. Our Education Training has been developed to support Education Professionals around Peer Abuse and Exploitation, and also to assist schools to identify and support young people further, in this area of harm.
If you would like to discuss our Train the Trainer Training in more detail, please contact Better Futures on 01656 749235, or email [email protected].
Education Training Leaflet (English)
Education Training Leaflet (Welsh)
If you have any questions about the resources, or about the projects in general, please get in touch with the team via email: [email protected]

Child sexual abuse and exploitation
We support thousands of children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse. We also provide support to their families, and to people working with children, such as social workers and teachers, through consultation and training. Learn more about child sexual abuse (CSA) and child sexual exploitation (CSE).

Criminal exploitation of children
We help children who have been criminally exploited or are at risk of being exploited. Learn more about the criminal exploitation of children, or child criminal exploitation (CCE) as it’s known, from our experts who work in this area.