Barnardo’s Cymru National Advisory Board

The role of the National Advisory Board is to support the Director and Assistant Directors in Barnardo’s Cymru, in regard to the Corporate Strategy and to advise and challenge them on the delivery.

The National Advisory Board (NAB) members are recruited for their experience/expertise in areas such as:

  • Local/central government – Children’s services
  • Health and Social Care
  • Fundraising/marketing/media
  • Business/finance/social enterprise

In addition, members of the National Advisory Board will:

  • Uphold Barnardo’s purpose and basis and values
  • Contribute to the formation of Barnardo’s UK strategy and endorse Cymru’s business plans
  • Act as ambassadors for Barnardo’s
  • Identify opportunities for Barnardo’s to network and influence
  • Provide strategic and practical support to the nation’s fundraising activities
  • Receive brief updates on the performance of the nation to better discharge their advisory role (noting the NAB is not accountable for performance)
  • Familiarise themselves with Cymru’s children’s service and other activities through visits and attendance at events
  • Identify issues of importance to ensure that the ‘voice of the nations’ and their position is heard by the Board of Trustees
  • Attend four meetings per year, usually in March, June, September and November.
  • Provide one to two hours per month to the charity.
  • Between meetings represent the National Advisory Board, to identify and build partnerships/ resources or critique initiatives the charity is pursuing – the main activity we are working on at the moment is a Care Leavers offer in the form of a programme called Believe.

We have a maximum of 8 members including the Chairperson. They normally sit on the Board for three-year terms, with a maximum of three full terms.

The National Advisory Board Members

Sarah Day – Chair of the National Advisory Board

Sarah Day headshot

Sarah Day is Chief Executive of Practice Solutions, a leading values-based consultancy supporting teams, organisations and leaders to meet the challenges of delivering care and support in the 21st century.

Sarah is passionate about working in a way that empowers people to be the best versions of themselves every day; She leads by example, identifying good practice and learning from others in their determination to create a better future for everyone.

‘As a leader the skill I value most is my ability to see, hear and value the strengths and contributions of those I work with.’

Ken Dicks

Ken Dicks

Ken is Programme Manager for the BA Advocacy and BA Sociology programmes on the Carmarthen campus of the University of Wales Trinity David; alongside being Pastoral Coordinator for those programmes. His specialisms include Family & Community Engagement, Multi-Agency Working and Employability.

His background includes work for Powys Youth Service, Careers Wales, the Education & School Improvement Service (ESIS), the South Central Education Consortium and the Wales Centre for Equity in Education.

In all of these roles he has been committed to addressing the impact of inequality on individuals and communities.

Lucy Cohen

Lucy Cohen headshot

Lucy Cohen is co-founder of Mazuma, an online accounting company for start-ups, sole traders, freelancers and small businesses. With over 16 years at Mazuma, and 20 years in total in the accountancy industry, Lucy is widely recognised as an industry expert and regularly called upon to contribute to trade publications and industry discussions.

In September 2022 Lucy was presented with the Past Presidents Award by the AAT – an award that recognises the outstanding contribution by one member of the accounting body. She was also elected to the AAT Council.

Jess Sharma

Jess Sharma headshot

Jess Sharma is Strategic Commissioning and Project Manager for Flying Start, Early help and Parenting in Powys. Working across Local Authorities and the third sector for over 15 years, she has extensive experience in Developing and Leading Support Services for Children and Families.

A former employee of Barnardo’s, Jess established a range of Families First-funded services, as well as Divert, a service for Children at risk of criminal exploitation.

Jess excels in forming constructive and sustainable relationships, in order to co-produce services, develop models of practice and lead innovation and change.

Owen Evans

Owen Evans headshot

Owen is a Managing Director at Equal Education Partners, an education company which works with partners across Wales, the UK and internationally to deliver high-quality programmes and projects.

Owen is a former CEO of Children in Wales – the umbrella organisation which represents organisations and professionals who work with children and families in Wales. Owen is also a Trustee at a large fostering charity. A fluent Welsh speaker, Owen is passionate about social justice and equity. 

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