Mother in a hijab sits with her young daughter on her knee

I’m looking for support with being a parent or carer

Caring for a child or young person can be hard. We’re here to help you make sure they can thrive.

From running services across the country to providing useful online guidance and support, there are lots of ways we can make your role as a parent or carer a little bit easier.

a girl with long brown hair stands in an alleyway and looks strongly at the camera

Looking for support with keeping a child or young person safe from harm or abuse?

Are you worried about a child staying safe online, witnessing domestic abuse, being sexually or criminally abused or exploited, experiencing female genital mutilation or being harmed by alcohol and substance abuse? We’re here to help.

A boy walks down a dirt road carrying his belongings, with adults following behind

Is your family seeking sanctuary in the UK?

All children, no matter where they’re from, or how they arrived in the UK, deserve to feel safe, happy, healthy and hopeful. If your family is seeking asylum, you can get support through our helplines.

A girl smiles as she talks to her friend

Looking after your child’s mental health

It can be tricky to know the best way to support your child’s mental health. If you need advice or practical help for a child struggling with their mental health and wellbeing, we have resources for you.  

A man sits at a kitchen table smiling at his son, who has downs syndrome

Are you looking after a child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)?

We all want the best for our children, and this includes equal opportunities and access to the right support. From information and advice, to short break care and support for children with SEND in education, we’re here for you.

An older sister helps her younger sister do her homework

Do you know a young carer?

Young carers are children under 18 who look after someone with an illness, disability, or substance abuse problem. You can imagine how difficult this might be for a child and often they don’t even realise they are carers. We know that too. That’s why we help them take care of their loved ones and give them time to enjoy their childhoods. If someone you know needs support, we can help take that extra weight off their shoulders.

Raising your family, made (a little bit) simpler

Our Family Space has advice for wherever you are on your parenting or caring journey, from pregnancy, babies and toddlers to teens. There’s guidance on a range of topics from healthy eating to teeth brushing. We also have information on the stages you can expect children to go through and how you can support them as they grow. 

From tips on helping children going back to school, how to speak to children about difficult topics, and children's rights and advocacy work, to residential schools and family hubs, there is lots of further support available to you.

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