Bradford Families First

What we do

Families First
Bradford Council has commissioned a keyworker service for families living in Bradford & District that meet the national ‘Supporting Families’ criteria (named in Bradford: Families First) and the locally set criteria. This service is led by Barnardo’s in partnership with Brathay – J.A.M.E.S and Bradford YMCA and provides key work support through a ‘Think Family Model;’ with one worker, one family, one plan.

The services provided by Barnardo’s - Brathay – J.A.M.E.S & Bradford YMCA jointly (25staff) covers the whole of Bradford & District and is divided into four areas which are based on current early help Localities (East, South, West & Airedale, Wharfedale & Keighley. Partners have staff located in each of these areas

Referral into the service is via Bradford Local Authority Targeted Early Help Gateway

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