Caern Short Breaks Service

What we do

Barnardo’s Caern provides a short break service for children and young people who have been diagnosed with a Learning Disability, ASD and complex needs.

The project is situated on the outskirts of the City of Edinburgh and provides a safe and homely environment to encourage the young people to meet their full potential.

Caern is purpose built with the needs of the young people in mind. It is spacious, with 5 bedrooms, a sensory room, playroom and an extensive garden area with access to a woodland walkway. The staff team are fully trained in a variety of approaches and are fully registered with the Scottish Social Services Council.

We work closely alongside families/carers and other lead professionals such as CAMHS, health care and schools to create support plans that reflect the individual needs of the young people using the service.

We can help with

    Residential care

  • Every child should be supported to thrive. We provide specialist care for children with special educational needs (SEN) and other disabilities, including overnight and short-break care. Our services give children and young people an opportunity to be cared for while having fun and socialising with peers in an inclusive space.
  • Find out more about Residential care
  • Search for Residential care services
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