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Cumbria LINK - Young People’s Social Prescribing Service

What we do

LINK is a Social Prescribing Service for Children and Young People aged 5 to 19 in Cumbria.
LINK works alongside GP practice teams in Carlisle, Penrith & Eden, Keswick & Solway and Longtown & Brampton Primary Care Networks (PCN), to support children and young people with their emotional health and wellbeing.
LINK is a personalised service - every child and young person works with a link worker to establish what is important to them as individuals and to find a solution that works for them.
Children and young people must be registered to a GP surgery or attend a school within one of the above PCN areas and can be referred into the Service by their GP, other healthcare professional or professional at school.

Our offer:
• 1 to 1 support with a Link Worker
• Assessment tools based on Signs of Wellbeing
• Drop-in Wellbeing Groups in various settings
• Working widely with other community groups

Area’s of support:
• Confidence & low self esteem
• Social Isolation
• Peer difficulties
• School related worries
• Community Engagement
• Future goal setting
• Developing resilience
• Worry management
• Family relationships
• Coping with stress & mild anxiety

Instagram: @linkcumbria Facebook: LINK Cumbria

We can help with

    Mental health

  • No child should be left to deal with poor mental health alone so we provide services supporting children and young people's emotional health and wellbeing. We have centres where children and young people can visit and have a trained worker they can trust and talk to. We help them build their confidence and get to the root of their difficulties so they can feel safer, happier, healthier and more hopeful.
  • Find out more about Mental health
  • Search for Mental health services
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