Monmouthshire Families Together

What we do

Monmouthshire Families Together is a service created in partnership between Barnardo’s and Monmouthshire County Council. Families Together are dedicated to working with families where they have a child living with them who is subject to a Care Order where the case is held by the Monmouthshire Local Authority Social Work teams. All of our referrals are provided by the child or young person's case-holding Social Worker.

The child could live with their parent under the Placement of a Child in Care with a Parent Regulations, or a relative who has been subject to a connected persons’ assessment. Families Together also works with all families that have a child living with them under a Special Guardianship Order in the Monmouthshire area.

The team has experience of working with children and their families within Child Protection, with children who are Looked After, court proceedings, education and fostering and are experienced in delivering interventions in childhood trauma, domestic abuse, attachments and many parenting interventions. Families Together also have their own Therapy Team who are able to provide advice and support to you. This support may simply need to be a conversation or it may be felt that you would benefit from some face to face therapeutic intervention.

We work with families that have a child in their care under the auspices of a Care Order – whether that be children placed with parents under Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (Wales) Regulations, or kinship foster carers. We provide direct work interventions to progress care plans to discharge of Care Orders and/or applications for SGOs. We provide quality assessments to consider whether discharge of care orders and/or if a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) is a viable option in order to best meet the needs of the child. We also provide an Active Offer of Support to all known SGO carers in the Monmouthshire area till a child is 18.

We can help with