What we do
Barnardo's North West Fostering Service provide placements for children and young people across the North West in Manchester, Liverpool, Lancashire & Cumbria. Children are referred from 22 different local authorities. We provide placements for sibling groups, children with complex needs, children who have experienced multiple loss and rejection. We also provide specialist placements for parent and child fostering and children with harmful sexual behaviours, children at risk of CSE and children with emotional health and wellbeing needs. We have a strong and supportive team of social workers who are highly skilled in family placement.
We can help with
- When life gets tough or unsafe at home, some children and teenagers need a caring adult to look after them until things can get better. That's why we find, prepare, train and support foster carers. We offer different types of foster care to make sure we can support and meet each child’s individual needs. This can range from offering a short, planned break to giving a child a stable and loving family setting for several months or years.
- Find out more about Fostering
- Search for Fostering services