What we do
Barnardo’s Play for All is an inclusive play and leisure project for disabled children and their siblings. Our Saturday Clubs are located in Bangor, Downpatrick, Gilnahirk, Hannahstown, and Saintfield. Each Club offers play, art and leisure opportunities on a fortnightly basis from September to June. The service operates in partnership with its primary funder HSCB Childcare Partnerships. Parents can apply to the service directly at 07825 657218. We recruit Children's Activity Support VOLUNTEERS for Play for All so if interested PLEASE APPLY via Barnardo's Website.
We can help with
- As well as being fun, play benefits children in all sorts of ways. Our play services aim to improve social skills, self-esteem and confidence, which can lead to improved independent living skills. The activities we run include after school clubs, stay and play groups, school holiday play and leisure opportunities.
- Search for Play services services
- Advocating for children is at the heart of everything we do. We work to make sure children and young people with disabilities are included in community activities and decisions about themselves.
- Find out more about Disability advocacy/participation
- Search for Disability advocacy/participation services
- Caring for your family is hard and everyone needs a break sometimes. We give the families and carers of children and young people with additional needs a chance to recharge their batteries. Our services, including our play and holiday schemes, give children and young people an opportunity to have fun, build their confidence and independence through inclusive play, share experiences and socialise in an inclusive space.
- Find out more about Short breaks for disabled children
- Search for Short breaks for disabled children services