TIGER Service

What we do

TIGER stands for Trauma Informed Growth and Empowered Recovery; Barnardo’s unique evidence-informed and evaluated trauma-informed approach. We work with children, young people and their families where there are concerns around child sexual abuse and exploitation, harmful sexual behaviours, and domestic abuse. The approach is designed to provide children and young people with the narrative to understand and express their experiences and coach them to recovery through empathetic listening, emotional regulation, positive psychology and personal goal-setting. We also work alongside safe primary caregivers to support the child to recovery.

We can help with

    Child sexual exploitation (CSE)

  • Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a form of child sexual abuse. When children and young people experience sexual abuse we help them recover and rebuild their lives. We also support their family through counselling and create and deliver preventive and awareness-raising programmes.
  • Find out more about Child sexual exploitation (CSE)
  • Search for Child sexual exploitation (CSE) services
  • Sexually harmful behaviour

  • We work with children, young people, families and professionals to help understand why sexually harmful behaviour might be happening. To help address the behaviour and improve life chances, we support people in order to build self-worth, keep everyone safe and help them make the best choices.
  • Search for Sexually harmful behaviour services
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