Supported lodgings

Help a young person adapt to adulthood

If you're unsure if you're ready to foster, you could start by welcoming a young person aged 16 or over into your home.

We call this supported lodging. It protects anyone who is leaving a local council's care or who is at risk of homelessness.

By welcoming a young person into your home, you can provide emotional support and help them learn the everyday, practical skills they will need for adult life.

All you need is time to care

All you need is a spare room in your safe and supportive family home and the time to teach simple skills to a young person.

Everybody is different, but they may need help with:

  • getting into education, training or work
  • managing money
  • learning to cook and do housework
  • attending appointments
  • building confidence
  • finding a home

We'll provide:

  • a placement worker to expertly match a young person to you
  • weekly payments to cover the costs of hosting a young person
  • ongoing training and support for the duration of the placement

If you think you can help a young person get to grips with the adult world, get in touch with your local supported lodgings team.

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