Rob and Jeannie's Story

Rob and Jeannie weren’t able to have children naturally so, after celebrating 20 years of marriage, made the decision to get in touch with Barnardo’s to find out more about adoption. 

Rob and Jeannie, who have adopted through Baranrdo's

Rob and Jeannie, now 48 and 49, watched the film Instant Family and felt it really resonated with their own experience of adopting their three children.

Jeannie said: “Before we had the boys, we really wanted a family and started to think about adoption. After moving to Essex, some friends of ours recommended we get in touch with Barnardo’s Adoption South-East service. We loved the ethos of Barnardo’s and attended one of their information days to find out more about adoption, the process and the training offered.  After this event, and with the charity’s support and agreement, we began the steps to become approved adopters”.

On attending an activity day, where prospective adopters and children waiting to be adopted enjoy a day of fun activities together, they briefly met a little boy and his older brothers, and really enjoyed their company.

Jeannie recalls: “I always wondered how we would know which children would be the right ones for us, but when we met the three boys we just connected with them straight away and knew it was meant to be – they fitted into our family perfectly”.

At the time the couple were in the process of being approved to adopt two, rather than three children. But once they had been approved, Rob and Jeannie attended a profile day, where adopters can look at and speak to social workers about children waiting to be adopted. On the day, they saw the profile of the three boys they met at the activity day. Once again they both felt a strong connection to the boys and decided to find out more about them and if they could become approved to adopt all three. 
Just a few months later, Rob and Jeannie officially welcomed the boys into their family.
Although at first there were a few challenges, the children soon flourished and Barnardo’s has been there every step of the way.

Jeannie concluded: “Barnardo’s has been brilliant and such a huge support.  They are always there when you need them.  The first year of adopting did have its challenges, but the training the charity gives you really prepares you and helps everyone with the transition.  

“Adoption is such an amazing thing and we would encourage anyone thinking of looking into it, to go for it!” 

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